This paper aims to summarize the research findings related to local wisdom-based science learning in Indonesia from 2013 to 2022. In order to get insight into the knowledge of the local wisdom-based science learning model in Indonesia; So, the researcher decided to present this paper on several points. They are the objective of the learning model, research methodology, the data collection instruments, and also the sample investigated. Besides, several learning models such as field trips, inquiry, PBL, PjBL, ELSII, and 7E are also presented in this paper. The research finding shows that PBL gives more contribution (85,8%) to the development of the science learning model. Further, local wisdom-based science learning can be developed by producing learning modules, worksheets, and lesson plans, and also can be incorporated into the assessment and remedial process. Additionally, the development of local wisdom-based science learning has several objectives to help students’ independent learning, increase students’ learning results, develop students’ character and problem-solving skills, increase students’ social constructive relationships, and group work, and also improve students’ knowledge about local culture.
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