Building Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through College Alumni Relationship Management


Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Customer Relationship Management

How to Cite

Pradana, H. H. . (2022). Building Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through College Alumni Relationship Management . Proceedings of the International Seminar on Business, Education and Science, 1(1), 41–50.


This study aims to (1) determine what factors influence alumni to carry out Organizational Citizenship Behavior in organizations they have participated in. (2) To find out how alumni relationship management at universities can stay competitive. This study uses a specific qualitative approach and uses a qualitative descriptive method. This research was conducted in the area of ​​one of the universities in Surabaya, because the university is a campus known as a warehouse campus for activists. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews) and observation. The subjects in this study were 4 people, 3 student alumni who had joined the organization and still contributed to the organization and the academic community at the University and 1 university leader. The results of the study said that the factor that influenced alumni who did OCB, namely Altruism IU intended to help students become confident and fluent in public speaking. Conscientiousness providing training never asks for anything in return, even though the subject is one of the national level trainers, because the subject wants to make the generations below him better. Sportsmanship Subject has a very tight schedule, once a week the subject goes out of the island to provide training, but still prioritizes students and for the sake of maintaining the name of the alumni association at the college. Courtesy at that time IU also served as chairman of the BEM and old seniors also often helped IU during her time. Civic Virtue hopes that the subject will always invite and provide training to the younger brothers of their own organization so that the next generation will follow in the footsteps of the subject. Proving the quality of yourself as an alumni of college graduates in Surabaya, so that there is bargaining value for outsiders who see the alumni of the college and there is bargaining value for outsiders who see it, the campus itself will also look for and see individuals if they have high capability.


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