Pabbitte Passapu Dance as A Facility of Education In Bulukumba District


Pabbitte Passapu Dance

How to Cite

Ragil, R. T. O., Patriani, S. R. ., & Mu’alimah, I. K. . (2022). Pabbitte Passapu Dance as A Facility of Education In Bulukumba District. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Business, Education and Science, 1(1), 51–59.


Learning in various educational disciplines including art education has guidelines, methods and approaches to achieve learning objectives. Art education is one of the disciplines that really need to be taught to students. One of them is the Pabbite Passapu dance, which was born from the interior of the Kajang tribe, Bulukumba Regency, which was originally shown for ritual ceremonies, now it is developed as a means of entertainment, welcoming guests, and mandatory material for dance in several schools in Kajang. The research method in this article uses a qualitative descriptive method, with an interdisciplinary approach. Some of the schools in Kajang Luar, one of which is Madrasah Aliyah DDI Baburridha which applies the Pabbitte Passapu dance as a material that needs to be included in learning the arts and culture of dance. As for the application of dance which is taught by the drill method, the teacher demonstrates the dance moves and the students follow the movement. After the dance is taught, the students will be asked to do a small performance in the school field. This is so that all elements of the Kajang community do not forget their ancestral heritage. Pabbitte passapu dance which is an art of the Kajang tribe has a (physical) form and contains values. The Pabbitte Passapu dance form begins with the name, theme, type/type/nature, motion, accompaniment/music, number of dancers, as well as costumes and props.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Ragil Tri Oktaviani Ragil, Sepbianti Rangga Patriani, Isna Khuni Mu’alimah


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