Phatic Communication of Teacher-Students in English Foreign Language Classroom

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Muhammad Saibani Wiyanto
Nindy Silvi Juliani


This study aims to investigate and identify the types of verbal phatic expressions used by teachers and students in the teaching process and determine the frequency of their use. This research was conducted using qualitative method and literature study analysis technique with Convenience sampling. The author analyzed the types and types from Jackobson 1960 theory elaborated by Jumanto 2014. The results and data are discussed through tabular presentation and explanation. From the results of the study, it was found that of the 12 types and functions found in the conversation between teachers and students. While in the frequency results, there are 6 uses of breaking the silence, 7 uses of starting the conversation, 6 uses of making small talk, 1 use of making gossip, 10 uses of keeping talking 4 uses of expressing solidarity, 4 uses of creating harmony, 5 uses of creating comfort, 3 uses of expressing empathy, 4 uses of expressing friendship, 4 uses of expressing respect, and 5 uses of expressing politeness. The use of these expressions by the student teachers has the purpose of facilitating the smoothness of classroom interactions. Implications This qualitative study presents relevant pedagogical implications for EFL student teachers and student teachers, as it highlights the importance of exposure to the use of phatic communication in educational learning process.

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How to Cite
Muhammad Saibani Wiyanto, & Nindy Silvi Juliani. (2023). Phatic Communication of Teacher-Students in English Foreign Language Classroom. ELTT, 9(1), 73–83. Retrieved from


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